Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time passes by too fast with a child

I came across this video on my computer and had to share.
Time definitely passes by a lot faster with kids.  The time is
spent feeding, holding, playing, rocking, teaching, etc and trying to
treasure every moment but no matter how much you try to enjoy
every second, the time still passes by so fast!


Todd Family said...

Oh man! I seriously went by SO fast! I still feel like you are pregnant (no, not the look great!) :) I love "our" little baby! :) She cracks me up! I was watching a video that i put on my blog last year and she was so little!!! Thanks for posting!! No go tell her "Jess" says hello and I love her!

Anonymous said...

So cute....almost makes ya wanna have another one, huh? I hate that! =)