Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Evening

This is my brother's boy, Tyler. Jocelynn and him are 9 months apart. They play so well together and love each other. It's so sweet. Jocelynn has 9 boy cousins and she loves them!
Carter and Nathan are 10 months apart. They already like to play together. Nathan likes to give Carter kisses.
Grandma Kirk and Carter
Getting ready to look for eggs.

Grandpa Kirk and Jocelynn
The evening of Easter my mom's family and both my brother's came over. We had a great dinner and went on an Easter egg hunt.
Here they are again being silly!

1 comment:

Todd Family said...

SO CUTE!! haha! I love how close Tyler and Jocelynn are and how they are so silly with each other. It cracks me up! Nathan is getting so big too!!